De Outcasts


  • JacLiz2
  • is developing a close relationship with god.

Poem Commentary

Advocating for those known and unknown, who have been sent home while their parents were sworn in for Citizenship in foreign lands around the world. It is hard for these ones when they return to a place call "home" and they were away from it since age six. The speak and sound like the country from which they were sent. further, everything that goes missing, they get blamed for. "Neighbor, did you see my hen?" "No, neighbor". "Is since that deportee come here things started to be missing". Next morning someone else asks "Whose hen is this? All night it spent cosy with my fowl cocks." That was not the first time that the hen strayed, she was accustomed of going from yard to yard overnight. In the city it is worst. They get beaten for no reason at all. Relatives do not want them because everybody suddenly lose stuff. If they do keep them, they get ill-treated and the members call to find out "when the next barrel is coming!

De Outcasts

Prisonas get let outa jail wid dem bear hans.
Wha bout a package so dey won't break de law -
Foodstamps, two nights fo hotel fee, metro an $25.00 cash?
People nah waan dem roun fo notin.

De fus ting dem do wen dem get out,
Is snatch some purse or fruit from a vegetable store.
Den de ownas a call de Po Po in eida Aramaic or Chinese!
Keep dem fram robbing in society nah.

Deportees a waan nex issue.
Males fram 16 to 21 go a juvnile jail.
If de time dem gah fo spen pas 21, dem get thro in
Wid de chronic inmates fo muder, rape and so on.

Some a dem, while de parents a raise dem han
Fo swear in fo Citizenship, dem in a de jail.
Dey min de pan de chile dat de pramise doan mean notin fo.
Caus de chile a goh get sen home anyhow.

Could dere be a law fo put dem down pan a papa too?
Dem parents a swear in while dem sit down in a de jail.
Dese parents can't be happy or celebrate wid a good mine.
Fram 16 to 21, a lat a years gone down.
If college age raise to 23, could de age fo juvenile jail also be up to 23?


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JacLiz2 commented on De Outcasts


I once viewed a movie based on a true story. This young man was by a Bus stop. A former High School fried, who appeared to have "made it", flashed by in a fancy car. Recognizing him, the friend backed up the car and offered him a lift perhaps to show off his good fortune. He told the guy to wait in the car a while he made a 'stop'. While he was in the house, the cops came up to the new car. They asked questions and the person in the passenger seat said that he was just being offered a lift. They however searched the car. A gun was found in the glove compartment and some illicit drugs under the back seat. While all this was taking place, the 'owner' of the car and all that was in it; remained inside the house. He never came out! At the end of his service in jail, the innocent, but condemned lad was sent 'home' where he was born. Having left during his tender years, he could not remember anything, he did not know who his relatives were and where they used to live. This was indeed a catastrophe! Meanwhile, his 'friend' having made enough money from drugs, returned and built a mansion and began to engage in a kidnapping spree. The one who was sent to jail took his revenge by working along with the local police to capture him and all those concerned. I am trying to remember the name of this movie, so persons could see for themselves the fate of some of the youths who are "sent home."

JacLiz2 commented on De Outcasts


This poem is specific to all who suffered during their youthful years in a juvenile camp-like situation. Those fragile years when hormones "fly" and affect emotions and ways of behaving. A time when the Id needs to be in control of its narcissistic behavior - 'me, me, me and I want, I want.' Failure to control the Id, often leads to a stubborn manner of problem-solving. This causes the essence of youth to be deflowered, as it ebbs away during what should be, the meaningful years of life - 16-21. Cramped in a limited space for vigilant and verile youths, meaningful and newly formulated ideas are unable to be carried out; at this adventurous and explorative age. Reality may "hit home" in this cramped space as the mind reminice on "I could have been doing such and such." This is indeed painful, however, some do change for the better. Society has norms. Without pondering on them, they might have been violated. Having "paid" society, some face the issue of survival in a "going back home" into nothingness.

JacLiz2 commented on De Outcasts


Standard English is not used to show the pain and isolation of these post inmates. They are sent back to many cultures, from various Western Countries. No one understands what it is like to be beaten for a manner of speech that will no longer have anymore meaning to your existence or survival. It is during painful times like these that their ancestors tried to communicate in a learned dialect which the poem was patterned after.

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

JacLiz2’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
Title Comments
De Outcasts 3
Are Our Children Really Accident Prone? 0