Cheers to my Bleakness


  • Sadness

    Cheers to my Bleakness

    Oh, why, hello
    Cold lonely
    Yes, I missed your caress
    Your cold frame around
    My happy-go-lucky
    View of the world.
    Your ability to
    Turn everything blue
    'Cept for the sky,
    Which can't keep a hue
    Save the grey
    Which blocks my beloved stars.
    Amongst all my joy
    Behind every smile
    You're there
    Guarding my desires
    From those who wish
    I fear
    To destroy them
    They really mean to help
    But you make them seem
    So fragile and
    Helpless to the world
    So you bury them away
    Even from me
    Sing me sweet dischords
    And off-key melodies.
    So you're back
    And I can't get enough
    Because I can't move on
    I might as well dwell upon her
    And the trouble she caused
    And all the regret
    My inability to say no
    And my "faulty" attitude
    Screw the world
    According to you
    You're my only friend
    So here's to you,
    Whatever you're calling
    Yourself these days
    May you forever haunt my soul

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    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    GalamineGary’s Poems (19)

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