Behind the Curtain


  • DestinedQueen
  • The very long and tedious task of making up a portfolio is daunting!!!!!

Behind the Curtain

He calls himself a poet
An artist beyond compare
He calls himself a king
But only has hateful words to share
He hides his pain completely
Behind a computer and a facade
And when he's slinging insults
He fancies himself a God
He feels so rotten inside
Because his heart is made of mold
He feeds on peoples anger
To buy back the soul he sold
He's filled with insecurities
Riddled with self doubt
These things he keeps well hidden
So no one knows what he's about
He won't admit to anyone
Not even to his self
That he's quite sick inside
And in need of urgent help
Instead he hides behind a screen
Hurling mud and calling names
Not knowing or caring those he hurts
May never be the same

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nini2323 commented on Behind the Curtain


hmmmmmm lol this reminds me of someone, I'm sure it reminds everyone of someone lol good write

kmooney commented on Behind the Curtain


Very nicely done. I appreciate the rhyme scheme and cadence in this one. Seems to be sending a cold message to someone. You certainly have a talent for words DQueen. Keep 'em coming and thanks for sharing.... K

erriczhade commented on Behind the Curtain


YES YES YES YES YES I hate those people I mean constructive criticism is one thing but just flat out being cruel is horrible... loved it

laydbak1 commented on Behind the Curtain


I liked this one... I'm sure everyone has met this retard or knows someone just like him.... He is but, one of the hordes of computer dredglings with no real life and nothing to give their deflated and pathetic lives meaning but, playing the flame game hiding like cowards behind their monitors... Very well constructed write with good word flare, and a great close... Well done...

PRober commented on Behind the Curtain


tells it pretty much like it is for some people.... keep writing, you're pretty good from what I'm reading!

Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

Unknown Source

DestinedQueen’s Poems (21)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Pain of My Conviction 5
Badge of Shame 3
Parallel 49
The Makings of a Dream 23
Dreams of a Lazy Mind 15
I Bleed 18
Conspiracy 15
Cardboard Safe 14
Night Dance 17
Losing My Sanity 10
Behind the Curtain 5
Existence of the Non-Existence 3
Death of a Poet 7
Beautiful Death 4
A Million Miles to Home 2
Evolution of Emotion 5
These Words of Mine 1
This Cage 6
Shutting You out 2
The Fall of the Ivory Tower 2
Afraid 9