99 to 1


  • Political

    99 to 1

    Everyday comes, and then it goes after 24 hours the day is done;
    but what has been accomplished you've worked to put food on table, and money to pay the bills but what after that.

    Have you done any good deeds for your fellow man, have you assisted in any way to the world being a better place, maybe but more than likely not; The world as it is can be construed as a bad place to live mankind is at its worst; people are more inticed to hurt than to befriend. The rich get richer and the poor don't get a thing just working harder just to survive literally helping to destroy mankind.

    The strangest thing is to the have's and have not's this is perfectly normal, for 1 percent of the population to enslave the rest that's 99 percent of us that are on this earth only as peasants barely able to make the ends meet, and get a good night sleep before it's been 12 hours and tomorrow we have to do this all over again.

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    Poetry1959 commented on 99 to 1


    I liked this one KB some of the others seem cyclic, reread and please do not ask and answer a question in the same sentence. Let the readers wonder. But I really like this one. Its cyclic but it did come full circle. Please read my poem "WE" I think its kind of similar to this one. I think you have some good ideas and thoughts about things.

    Starchild commented on 99 to 1


    I feel you 100% with this one.

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    relaxurmindkb’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Uncertain 1
    Please 1
    99 to 1 3
    I Wish 2
    Then Just Tell Me You Don't Want Me!!! 1
    Searching 2
    Tell Me,Let Me 3
    Relax your Mind K B 4
    Pass the Time 3
    Almost Anything 3