I Wish


  • Political

    I Wish

    I'm going to tell you something, something that's both embarrassing but true sometimes I wish I was as white as you, clean pure unblemished like freshly fallen snow, the problems of the world gone never even to have been known; not to me because I'm white, I know not the ills of this world because they don't affect me.

    Sure if you are anything but you have always wanted to be us on some small level in the back of your head everyone wishes to be white instead, no one would ever want to be black, before Obama did what he did most wanted to be white instead just because of the way of the world but now black is the thing to be you get whites that now want to be like you.
    Sure you say, okay but from the beginning to today you would have never wanted your life to be that way; a struggle everyday, uncertainty in every way, just walking down the street the feeling in the back of your mind that at any moment in some way you could easily be beat in life at every turn, work, in your home the shadow of slavery the unhidden racial tone.

    No you don't wish you were me, us because you'd never want to wish that sort of thing. Believe in the back of your mind you would wish you were white,...or anything but Me.

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    mistyparish commented on I Wish


    This is true on so many levels. We should all be proud of who we are no matter black or white. To be black today is to be proud, to be black back in the day of slavery was not so great. Times have changed. Thank god for that!

    EvilEyes commented on I Wish


    Wow... very deep... added to my favorites

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    relaxurmindkb’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Uncertain 1
    Please 1
    99 to 1 3
    I Wish 2
    Then Just Tell Me You Don't Want Me!!! 1
    Searching 2
    Tell Me,Let Me 3
    Relax your Mind K B 4
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