Your Toy


Your Toy

I have seen the light that comes from you eyes when we play.
You look like a kid that just got a new toy.
That toy may be me, that is the fun part.
I hear the laughter in your voice when I start to stutter.
I see and feel the joy in your touch.It is like a game of Captain May I.
 Will I win or will you?
Will we play Hide and Go Get It? Or will it be Tag.
These are some of the games that we play, others have no name.
Each on has a meaning that only you an I know of.
Most of all I enjoy being Your Toy.
Come and Play with me.

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Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

Smiles45’s Poems (10)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Lost Love Calling 0
Rain Falls 2
Your Toy 0
The Question Is WHY 0
My Heart 0
Pain 0
Dark Places 0