Lost Love Calling


Lost Love Calling

Everyday I hear the call of a lost love.
They call my name waiting for an answer.
But deep inside I know that it is for naught.
I have closed my heart and mind to the calls.
Nothing can open those doors again.

It was a call from the past that stop my heart from beating.
It was feeling the hurt and pain againg that shut my mind and emotions.
Lost love is nothing more than a person stepping out of your life.
Never to return.

All that can be done is to remember the joy and mistakes made.
To learn from it and carry on.
This may be hard to do but it is better to lose a love than not to have loved at all.

Some will say that in time a new love will come along, but that is rare.
For now I will jus listen to the call but never let it in.

Love lost is just a call away.

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If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

Smiles45’s Poems (10)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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