Your self-fulfilling prophecy


  • Life

    Poem Commentary

    this poem is about a conflict within myself, it's as if my conscience were in a battle of good and evil, hence the evil has to redeem itself to remain in my conscience.

    Your self-fulfilling prophecy

    I say take your medicine
    swallow the insects that infest
    don't allow this phantom to ripen within
    reminisce the cloudy delusions
    notice the sounds of impending doom
    a broken scream echoes, shattering the melancholy past
    consuming all that is shiny and light
    draining the illusion
    like a clock counting backwards
    don't question this foreign authority
    make amends to the scavengers
    say good bye to yesterday
    prompt what is foretold
    this paranoia is the way
    starve your damned soul
    eat your blackened halo
    indulge us this genesis replay
    only my demons shall bear witness your nakedness
    unhinge the deepened shame
     donate your last shreds of hope, rip open every flaw
    expect the condemned to applaud
    submit to the inevitable feast of your infection
    while the titans savor the crumbs you shed
    this cannibalism is a blessing
    let the hope trickling down your chest navigate the way
    purge yourself
    and here in my conscience you will stay.

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    DeepEclipse commented on Your self-fulfilling prophecy


    Self conscious. It speaks with heavy demand. Perhaps winning acceptance is its only way of survival. In a way it seems that it doesn't even need to decieve, as evil usually does. It just seems to bring the raw reality of its intentions and force you to see them as needed. Clever. Intense write and well worded.

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    enigmatic’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
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    My exile 1
    Your self-fulfilli
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    As The Raven did for me 0
    Connoisseurs of Love 0
    My Grandmother pt.1 1
    Untitled 1