

  • Childhood


    My mother loved being pregnant with me

    Because my dad wouldn’t beat her

    While I grew and blossomed inside


    But the verbal abuse he couldn’t keep behind his forked tongue

    Thinking I couldn’t comprehend or hear

    The insults came everyday, no matter the occasion

    Trying to douse her fire, flicker her flame


    Believe me I could feel it

    The tears she shed rolled down her swollen belly

    I could feel her heart beat differently


    In twined in my umbilical cord was her spirit

    Sustaining me

    I suckled on that love


    Until the day I left that protected place

    And was handed to my dad

    He was more than happy to sever the cord between my mom and I forever.


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    OSBrooks commented on Untitled


    I loved the following lines: In twined in my umbilical cord was her spirit Sustaining me I suckled on that love This was the best I've read of your work so far. Take care and keep at it.



    Aww, why thank you & I will keep at it!

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    enigmatic’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    My exile 1
    Your self-fulfilli
    ng prophecy
    As The Raven did for me 0
    Connoisseurs of Love 0
    My Grandmother pt.1 1
    Untitled 1