My exile


  • Truth

    Poem Commentary

    I wrote this because in a way I am exiled by society- not literally, but in the sense that I'm different and just don't seem to fit in. so I'm a loner, which is fine and the way I escape has to be my books. so enjoy!

    My exile

    This pretty little utopia sent me into exile
    now I too am among the undesired of past society
    I was shunned because I would not submit to conformity
    was I to adopt that mediocrity
    they could put me under lock and key,
    but they are threatened by me
    afraid I'll infect other malleable minds
    they could murder me,
    but that's not what they do in such a perfect society
    so I sit in exile, too weird to live, but too rare to die
    all I ask is that my books be shunned with me
    to keep me unfailing company
    I'm curious to see if the other inevitable undesirables
    would soon be joining me, as cast-offs
      witness what we could give birth to intellectually
    I explore my exile, my nirvana, this sublime utopia
    is this much liberation dangerous?
    I predict that in a year or two, society will be curious,
    to see if I've survived, if I've coped
    one by one they'll come, timid as can be
    the ones who voted me into exile are expecting a spectacle
    shall I indulge them such a scene?
    what fun that would be!
    shall I learn them what I've discovered during this time
    or would it be a shock as to what one can concoct.

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    DeepEclipse commented on My exile


    The threat. Forcing respect, allowing no space for conformity to illusioned limitations. Fear plays a great tool. Removing the will and creating a world of trapped minds. A poem that opens my eyes and keeps me searching for that sincere form of confidence. Well written. Against the grain.

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    enigmatic’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    My exile 1
    Your self-fulfilli
    ng prophecy
    As The Raven did for me 0
    Connoisseurs of Love 0
    My Grandmother pt.1 1
    Untitled 1