Your second-hand statue


  • Emotional

    Your second-hand statue

    I see a beautiful sky
    and I think of you
    I picture you starring off
    lost in it’s beauty
    Somewhere out there
    thinking of me
    I see a beautiful sky
    and I whisper your name
    Wishing you were beside me
    welcoming the new day
    welcoming a fresh horizon

    Why can’t you hear me cry your name at night
    How could you not know what to do next
    How could you not know how much I need you

    Maybe your gift isn’t wrapped in gold
    or flawless in design
    You’ll find that your treasure has been dropped
    a few too many times
    Left chipped, broken and glued

    It’s beyond me why you’d deny the ability to mend
    or otherwise repair
    Your second-hand statue

    For you truly are the only one who could
    Gather your tools and get going already
    A few more falls
    And she’ll be un-repairable

    Even for you


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    PRober commented on Your second-hand statue


    alrighty, mighty fine... I like the story and the rhymes....good job, write on!



    Hey thanks. I think you're the first to even look at any of my work.

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    dorenda’s Poems (3)

    Title Comments
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    Vulnerable 0
    I'm Sorry Sweet Angel 0
    Your second-hand statue 1