

  • Emotional


    I don’t know what to do with this knot
    lurking within my aortic arch
    Full of energy waiting to race throughout my entire body
    held back by heart strings
    and the back flow from my gut

    I couldn’t possibly give anymore
    from my negative account
    My wounds may not be bleeding anymore
    but the gangrene has set in
    Sending my body into fever and chills
    a toxic pool of flesh eating biotics

    The kind that consume from the inside out
    my youth, my vibrancy, my life
    Slowly being gnawed on
    evident by my dark droopy eyes
    fatigued muscles
    labored breathes
    and diseased heart

    I allowed myself an open field
    Committed to a stead fast stance
    Watching the distant willow dance a waltz
    to the graces of nature
    Taking in the fresh breeze
    the scent of lilies

    Closing my eyes to take in the ambience
    Lying my head back the way a new baby does
    while held to his mother’s chest
    staring into her eyes
    Protected within her hands

    And completely

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    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    dorenda’s Poems (3)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Vulnerable 0
    I'm Sorry Sweet Angel 0
    Your second-hand statue 1