I'm Sorry Sweet Angel


  • Family

    I'm Sorry Sweet Angel

    I’m sorry sweet angel
    There are no silver platters in the kitchen cupboards
    I never fed you squashed pea’s with a silver spoon
    You were given a raw deal
    That first gleam within your fathers’ eyes

    I have dragged you along with me like a rag doll
    Through my neurotic episodes
    Through my rainy days
    As if I had no other choice

    I’m so sorry sweet angel

    For I have allowed you to see me
    Cry way too many times
    and left you wondering why
    I suppose I knew a long time ago
    How much I was not cut out for motherhood
    Maybe I just felt having a kid would tie me down
    Maybe I have taken that out on you

    I’m so, so sorry sweet angel

    I am in constant fear of doing wrong by you
    I am constantly afraid that my only seed
    Won’t be planted deep enough
    In the earths soil to with stand the
    Kind of storms I’ve fallen over in

    You were given the raw deal
    Constantly surrounded
    with struggle
    with sorrow
    with fear
    with anger

    For all the hundreds of times
    I’m not good enough for myself
    I will never be good enough for you
    Yet I know I’m all you really have

    And I’ve done wrong by you

    And I’m sorry sweet angel

    I’m just so sorry

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    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    dorenda’s Poems (3)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Vulnerable 0
    I'm Sorry Sweet Angel 0
    Your second-hand statue 1