Yesterday's Love


  • Lost Love

    Yesterday's Love

     “I’d love you forever” we told each other/ yesterday

    The memories of us together

    The movies/ dinners

    Our intimacies

    Yes/ I thought you’d love me forever

    As Juliet/ Delilah/ as Medea

    Loved their loves/ and you did


    Yesterday/ I spoke your name aloud

    And heard it recited on the ether

    Its echoes drumming against

    The membrane of time

    And I remembered when I loved you

    As Romeo/ Samson/ as Jason

    Loved their loves/ and I did


    You held my heart in your chest

    We lived as one/ one pulse/ one beat

    I loved you/ as I knew you loved me


    But sometime late in the day/ yesterday

    I no longer felt your heart/ your pulse/ your beat

    I heard your voice/ speaking to me from far away

    And I noticed your name no longer kissing my mouth

    And I missed it


    It is today/ and yesterday is nothing but

    Memories/Echoes/ Shades

    As much as I loved you/ yesterday/ and I did love you

    Yesterday is gone/  Gone/  and not coming back.


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    Hiporlacking commented on Yesterday's Love


    I really dug the first two stanza........................................

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    Rickeyhood’s Poems (6)

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