Face of God


Face of God

Man pears out in the void seeking marvels beyond comprehension
Of time, space, and energy that is the universe
Of galaxies born and destroyed

Man’s technology lands on neighboring worlds
As voyager glides from out of our solar system, taking snap
Shots of the blue star called Earth

His vision moves into the universe to find the face of God
And in all of his seeking, he has only found more to seek
More incomprehensible marvels to comprehend
Not knowing the knowledge that man understands
Is only a gain of sand on the beach
A drop of water in the ocean

And God laughs
At the arrogance of man, and says,
“Wait till he sees me”

And on that day
man shall see the face of God
Not as Michael Angelo’s old man on a throne
But as the true reality
Made manifest…. Everywhere

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Bright commented on Face of God


This is a world of taleted and gifted people. I encourage you to keep it up.

MizBlaze commented on Face of God


That was definitely a 10....

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

Rickeyhood’s Poems (6)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Yesterday's Love 1
Life on the walk-ways 0
Moments In Time -1
Sitting on a bench in the park 0
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Face of God 2