Words Of Comfort


Poem Commentary

This poem was written to my sister-in-law on the sudden demise of her eldest son in France.Coco as we used to fondly call him was a bright young man in his twenties who passed away all to soon in the very prime of his life, a tragedy that his mother even through the passage of time can and never ever be reconciled to.I thought of comforting her at least for a while and hence composed this poem for her in honour of her son McColman.So heres wishing dear Coco Eternal repose with Our Lord in Heaven.

Words Of Comfort

How does one comfort a mother on the demise of her eldest child

Akin to a very tear of her body and soul.

Sad but true though life must go on,

Albeit though put on hold for a while

Comforted however to the fact that he walked and lived amongst us,

Recollect the golden moments shared together

The laughter, the joys, the smiles amidst the tears,

Eloborate on them in your mind to dampen the grief within

For as the Bard once said - All's the world a stage

And we are just actors playing our roles

Upto the final curtain call

Keep him alive in your dreams and memories

And he will be with you all of your life

So walk forth through life with head held high

In the knowledge that you too will depart this earth in time

To meet with your loved ones in the afterlife of Eternity.

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When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

rondel’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Words Of Comfort 0
Crying 2
The Cup Of Life 3