The Cup Of Life


Poem Commentary

This poem was written as a sort of philosophical thought and came to me as I was travelling and witnessed both the good and bad in people around.Its meant for light headed reading and absorption if you may.

The Cup Of Life

One might well ask
What is this cup of life?
But try as one could
The answer would not be found in any book,
But rather look deep within onnself
Look into the mirror that is ones soul
For the cup of life is what we put into life
Thus if one puts in good
The cup will be filled with goodness
And in like manner if one puts in bad
The cup will be filled with slime.
So go ahead and drink deep of that cup
Drink to quench the thirst
As one receives what one deserves
And when your thirst is quenched
Let the cup overflow
And spill unto mother earth
So the soil absorbs
All the good and evils of humankind
To yeild its fruits accordingly.

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Olan01 commented on The Cup Of Life


My thoughts are aligned with your in that we find all anwers within the self. If we have vison to look inside then we have strength to be our true ourselves.

rsalassi commented on The Cup Of Life


You are quite the philosopher. No one will find a thought here disagreeable, I hope. You've done a wonderful job here stating both the obvious and elusive.

ansari commented on The Cup Of Life


beautifully said, the realities of life and what follows from evil and good. thank you. a 10 from me.

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

rondel’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Words Of Comfort 0
Crying 2
The Cup Of Life 3