

Poem Commentary

This poem was composed a long time back in my early years, wherin life was so much easier and a few shed tears were welcome,but at present I feel the world and mankind have no time for something as trivial as tears, a man would consider tears as a sign of weakness or femenine, but its no such thing, crying helps us ease the fraustations of our daily humdrum routine and enhances our lives, try it sometimes and trust me there will be nothing to regret.


Some might say crying is childish
A veritable sign of uncertainity and insecurity
But to my thinking and I could stand corrected
Great wisdom comes from tears
So go ahead and release those pent up feelings
Cry to ease those inner tensions
And let someone know that you are hurting inside
Set free your mind and soul.

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rsalassi commented on Crying


I find myself crying quite often these days, and not the result of pain or sadness or anything one usually associates with such. I cry, as old men often do, for those things in life that make me and others I care about happy or appreciative. Beauty in nature. Innocence not yet spoiled. Idealism despite the shit it will inevitably give way to... Your poem is in itself an admission to innocence that leaves me weeping with joy.

MrGee commented on Crying


WONDERFUL! the poem speaks volumes in just a few words. And each line of the poem is well placed with excellent rhythmn. If I may prevail upon you plz read and comment on my poem entitled - My Wish Thanks for the honor of reading your poem. Mrgee

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

rondel’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Words Of Comfort 0
Crying 2
The Cup Of Life 3