"With Outstretched Arms"


Poem Commentary

We are in what some call ,"The end times" this has been said many times before, yet the world continues to exist. "For no man no the time nor day". But it WILL come to pass. This poem is about that. God Bless

"With Outstretched Arms"

With outstretched arms He willingly took our sins,

And shed His blood upon a cross,

So that every man, woman and child,

Would not be left behind , hopelessly lost.


His arms embraced the world,

Yet some never saw what He had really done,

Was just sport to a Roman Government,

This perfect man God sent, “Jesus”,
His only begotten Son.


But one day all will come to see,

What some refuse, or want to ever believe,

Sheltering their eyes from God’s full glory,

Pressing their faces deep within ones sleeve.


God’s thinning thread of patience will one day break,

Thinned out by mankind’s continued sin,

Then God will cleans the world once again,

Creating a new ,more perfect world,

For all God's believer’s left in peace,
With Him to live in.


By: Linda Winchell









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Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

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