"What Goes Around Comes Around"


Poem Commentary

I have seen this quote played out many times in my life. Deal out something to someone that does not edify, it will come back to you ten fold. We need to think before we speak or do something we will one day come to regret. God Bless

"What Goes Around Comes Around"


I’ve heard it said so many times,
That “what goes around, comes around” my friend,
But never really understood the depth of its meaning,
But saw it played out , many times in quoted dread.

Handing out what one shouldn’t,
Dabbling where no one should ever go,
When sooner than expected,
Life turned around,
Then their return of grief did flow.

One needs to watch what they're saying to others,
Be more cautious and loving in ones tone,
Or what comes around will surly come around again,
Returning in your life, to make its home.

By: Linda Winchell



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If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

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