"If I Only Loved You More"


Poem Commentary

I have just been reading a new book called,"Crazy Love". It had given me inspiration to write this poem. A must read book by the way. God Bless, Linda

"If I Only Loved You More"



If I could have known you better Lord,

Could I have loved you more?

But my lack of understanding just who you were,

Even though my soul had searched,

All of your wisdom’s score.


I may have learned with a more open heart,

That you were not really so different than me,

Or possibly that even through your sinless nature,

You still left and hoped the world one day would come to see.


The trueness of who you really were,

When you gave your life that day,

Ascending into Heaven to sit,

At the feet of your Father and say.


“I have completed the task “Father given me,”

To save mankind from their deepest sins,

In hopes that they would obey your commandments “Father,”

And come to live, Heavens’ mansions within.”


If only I loved you more, was my thought,

Would my journey have come to be more or less?

To love all and share my Fathers’ words given,

Was this”Lord”, this life given me,

My now rewarded best?


By: Linda Winchell










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If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

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