whisp of a thought


whisp of a thought

Dark and heavy eyes arise
To a pink and delicate sky
Where the pigeons and seagulls fly
And the weed smoke floats high
Above and beyond the treeline
But still underneath the sunshine
Visions fermenting in your head like a fine wine
Of a distance place and another time
When you was warm and cozy in the arms of a fine dime
How your heart fluttered when you told them that fine line
If you had a tape recorder you would be pressing rewind
Just so you could hear that voice just one more time
You used to be 2gether like sprite I mean lemon and lime
But time has passed you by and they done left you behind
Just a figment of your imagination now in the back of your mind
And a love you once knew you are still trying to find
Cupid took his arrow out of your eye I guess you can say that he robbed you blind
So now in your heart you find it hard to be kind
In this devilish world your guardian angel has thier nose to the grind
Cuz you wanna be going to the right place once you get out of that box that is pine
So before you get there you better take heed to the signs
Don't push it back til tommorow cuz tommorow might not be enuff time
And not having enuff time could really put you in an unwanted bind
So I hope your ears are clean and you pay attention to this rhyme
Cuz the bells of the Lord are ringing do you hear his chime
He's going to make you happier than you ever was but in his time
So stand up solidres of God and toe the line

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Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

shugdaddy’s Poems (20)

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