While You Slept


  • Love

    While You Slept

    Last night while you slept i watched you breathe, like a dream you said
    my name and i felt relief,
    sometimes i wonder if it's just a game or are u for sure? When u say
    the words you say, it feels so pure
    but deep inside i have my doubts. I saw you toss and turn in bed, as i
    watched you turn your head
    It seemed to me you were having dreams, from the flicker of your eyes
    they seemed unpleasant, perhaps some screams?
    Can you open up your heart and let me in? See, i'm tired of standing at this door that you have locked with chains. I understand your'e scared
    of pain but what is pain if there's no gain.
    While you slept i had these thoughts, these thoughts baby, as you
    slept i had these thoughts.

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    Qualin commented on While You Slept


    within the eyes one knows ...looking into the heart through the eyes,one will refuse to except rejection by all other measures...hoping but when the one who truly LOVES you stays focused into your eyes.....you know that you know..a good write Muti thanks....Qualin

    danmartyjake1 commented on While You Slept


    I heard a song or melody attached to these words, as I read this... great words, in fact it stirred me to write another poem. Thanks for the inspiration...



    thanks, i'm glad i could inspire u through my words

    SEVEN commented on While You Slept


    Nice piece....I hope he finally let u in gurlfriend...lol..I'm feeling this poem I sometimes wonder if my gurlfriend is watching me sleep...(that got me worried)...lol....hopefully i dont call out the wrong name....hehe

    optimistic commented on While You Slept


    Wow these thoughts had me thinking Great poem interesting.

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Muti’s Poems (5)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Paranoid Again 2
    While You Slept 4
    The day I met myself... 0
    To my true love... 1
    The Dreamer 1