The Dreamer


The Dreamer

In a million years I never thought it possible...
To rule a country dominated by the other
The thoughts of it being a reality,
hardly consumed my mind
but yet they did.
Would color betray my dreams?
Or would my dreams betray color?
As i stand in front of a cheering crowd
and I can see my father as he looks from above proud
and filled with joy
that the boy he once knew
has grown to be a man respected by plenty
and disrespected by a few.
Yes we can,
The dreamer has become.
And the dream has begun

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Drivingczar commented on The Dreamer


Real verses, real time! Color is blind when we all come together! We glance inside one another's cages!

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

Muti’s Poems (5)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Paranoid Again 2
While You Slept 4
The day I met myself... 0
To my true love... 1
The Dreamer 1