What Your Heart Chooses To Miss


  • Confusion

    What Your Heart Chooses To Miss

    Isn't it funny how your heart misses the silliest things when the one you love is gone?
    How the things that get on your nerves when they are with you are the things you miss the most?
    I miss the way he use to mess up my hair after I just fixed it, or lick my nose to make me sneeze just when my make-up was finished.
    I miss the way he would open my door no matter who was driving, and how he would look at me as if I was the only girl in the world.
    I miss the way he could make me smile in the worse situation, and always held me through the stroms.
    I miss the way he let me stand up for myself, but always had my back when I bit off more than I could chew.
    I miss going for long walks in the woods, and spending the afternnon in our secrect hide-out away from the world.
    I miss the inside joke that we shared, and the 30 minutes stories that ended in "You just had to be there."
    I miss how he wouldnt let me give up on my dreams even when I didn't think they were worth the trouble.
    I miss the way we pushed each other to the breaking point but only to make each other achive the most we were capeable of.
    I miss the way we could read each others mind and finish each others sentances.
    I miss the closeness we shared we were best friends, lovers, and so much more than words can say.
    I miss the heated arguments and the even hotter make-up.
    I miss the love in his eyes and the warmth from his heart.
    I just miss him.

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    TilMyLastBreath commented on What Your Heart Chooses To Miss


    Great poem, Love how you paint the picture in your heart, your a good writter-look forward to reading your future work! George

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    RebelCowgirl21’s Poems (4)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    My Forever Love 1
    The Restless Spirit 2
    Looking Back 2
    What Your Heart Chooses To Miss 1