The Restless Spirit


  • Love
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  • Life

    The Restless Spirit

    The restless spirit is one that is often misunderstood
    The people with it are deemed ramblers, loners, or up to no good.
    The spirit inside is so hard to please.
    It's nerver happy and never at ease.
    The body tends to search, to look, and to roam,
    to find something to settle the spirit and a place to call home.
    For these people are dreamers, forever wanting more,
    They are warriors, they are cowboys, and they are bikers galore.
    They have a reputation for breaking hearts and skipping town.
    Most people hate them and they are always put down.
    Those that love them are often tested and tried.
    Loved ones are often angry or hurt and more than once they have cried.
    Those that love this spirit always try to understand.
    It is not the body's fault but done by their hand.
    They can not control this need to be freed.
    The one who tries to control them is foolish indeed.
    You just have to have understanding for this unsettled spirit.
    You must realize you hate it or you want to go along with it.
    This unsettled spirit is forever doomed to roam.
    It is up to the lover if it roams all alone.
    It's lover is either it's roots or it's wings.
    It ties it deep to it's home or soars to whatever heights it might bring.
    The lover brings it up from the dark depths it may find.
    The Spirits only salvation is its lover most of the time.
    The Unsettled Spirit is often misunderstood,
    But for it's one true lover, it will TRY to be good!!!

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    RebelCowgirl21 commented on The Restless Spirit


    It took some time and a lot of revising but I was finally happy with it and got it posted. I'm glad you enjoy it and understand its meaning

    TheLastCowboy commented on The Restless Spirit


    Wow Beth, what an AWESOME poem!!!! I Love all of it and its message!!!!! I'm adding this to my FAVORITES!!!!! You captured the message just right!!!

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    RebelCowgirl21’s Poems (4)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    My Forever Love 1
    The Restless Spirit 2
    Looking Back 2
    What Your Heart Chooses To Miss 1