What is Love?


What is Love?

What is love???


Is it the mere desire to hold someone close?

Is it the need to fulfill your self?


Is it the ability to disregard your own fulfillment or needs for the desires and needs of someone else?


Is it a connection beyond words, beyond elicit thought?

Is it your capacity to fulfill the demand of someone else?

Is it the fear of ending up alone?


Is it a human necessity to be loved unconditionally and the ability to do the same for someone else???


Is love something that comes from within?

How can it be found and given room to flower?


Is there a procedure to love?

And who is the judge of what real love is?

Is there a way to find out?


Why do we struggle with it so much?


Is love devotion, commitment, sentimentally, romance, sexual attraction? Can we train ourselves to love one another?


Does it happen naturally at first and then it turns to something else?

Is love just the memories you have build together?

Is love eternal?


Can you love someone and still push them away rather than convincing them to stay?


Are we all afraid of love and at the same time feel unfulfilled without it?

Is there a way to nurture love?

Can you truly love someone without first loving yourself?


Is love dependent on a variable that is not controllable or predictable?

Is love a constant battle between joy and pain?


So I ask, what is love besides a four letter word?

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CARMEN9234 commented on What is Love?


Love is all and nothing. It is giving and receiving. It is joy and pain. It is needing and being needed. It is a word with the meaning of the universe within it.

CasimirJash commented on What is Love?


I think nobody really knows, we would spend years searching, but maybe its the small things that people notice about somebody. Like they say its the little things the matter.



I agree! Thanks for your input.

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

AliP’s Poems (21)

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