To Her Unborn Child


To Her Unborn Child

The child in her womb is content,


She notices her strength through sharp and frequent movements.


And as she lies on the white sand, she wonders if her unborn child can feel the gentle breeze that kisses her face,


Or if she can hear the roaring thunder of the ocean,


Or if she can smell the sweet aroma suspended in the air,


Or if she can taste the warmth of the ever-present sun.


Intuitively she senses their union,


Although her eyes have never gazed upon her child’s face.


Her scent, her gestures, her skin still unfamiliar,


Somehow her awareness of her child lies beyond all five senses.


And she experiences a bond truly pure, a bond that will forever remain as untainted.


Today mother and child live as one,


And attached they thrive as a single organism.


Tomorrow their physical connection will be severed,


But their spirits will never part.

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Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

AliP’s Poems (21)

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To Her Unborn Child 0
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