What Happened


  • Emotional

    What Happened

    When we fight,
    I cry wondering what happened.
    I always say the wrong thing,
    And you do the wrong thing.
    When we dont talk,
    Baby i miss you so much.
    What happened?
    First we were happy talking all the time,
    Not worrying about anything else.
    Only seeing stars in each others eyes
    Then it went to talking here and there
    And now fighting
    It hurts so much
    Im so sorry
    I'll watch what i say
    Because i want it to work out
    And want our plans to work
    So for now ill wipe my tears
    And keep thinking about you
    Untill the next time we talk.

    Poem Comments


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    christianprep commented on What Happened


    nicly written poem it flows good i think its wright written wright so i rate it a ten because its a good one, good job, it is sad though understandable though

    Drivingczar commented on What Happened


    Great write. Keep it up.



    thanks for the comment =]

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Yoda413’s Poems (22)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Lost One 0
    First love 0
    My Bleeding Soul 0
    Sorry 0
    What Happened 2
    Summer 0
    Why? 2
    Why? 1
    Us 0
    Cheated 0
    Found Him 0
    I Told You 0
    Alone 0
    Already There 1
    Broken Heart 1
    Cry -1
    Breech of Sadness 2
    Broken Roads 0
    Friends 0
    Alive 0
    The Day 1
    My Love 0