Broken Heart


  • Lost Love

    Broken Heart

    First we were friends,
    Talking all the time, trying to get to know each other.
    While you were still wanting to be friends,
    I fell in love.
    I was a step ahead,
    Not telling you how i really felt.
    Hoping you would start feeling the same way.
    Hinting you on,
    But never really saying.
    I guess my hints weren't enough.
    And now it's too late for anything.
    I'll never know what your love feels like,
    I wish I could be in your arms every night.
    But i now know that can never happen.
    And now I'm left with a broken heart.

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    angelchaser commented on Broken Heart


    This is so beautiful. You can truly feel your pain through your words and you weave them together so wonderfully, it's almost like reading a ballet.

    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    Yoda413’s Poems (22)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Lost One 0
    First love 0
    My Bleeding Soul 0
    Sorry 0
    What Happened 2
    Summer 0
    Why? 2
    Why? 1
    Us 0
    Cheated 0
    Found Him 0
    I Told You 0
    Alone 0
    Already There 1
    Broken Heart 1
    Cry -1
    Breech of Sadness 2
    Broken Roads 0
    Friends 0
    Alive 0
    The Day 1
    My Love 0