Breech of Sadness


  • Sadness

    Breech of Sadness

    Even though I smile, I'm still sad,
    I hide my feelings and no one ever knows,
    Every laugh, every smile is fake.

    It hurts even more when no one notices the scars,
    When no one notices my mood changes,
    Or how each smile slowly fades away.

    When alone I cry and cut,
    No one understands how I feel,
    All they care about is them selves.

    The darkness around my eyes starts to beccome noticeable,
    Each time i get asked about it I lie,
    Saying I'm just tired, or its natural

    My eyes become red and watery,
    If someone sees, I say I have something in my eye,
    But the truth is that I'm hurting and just cant keep it in anymore.

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    boomboom56 commented on Breech of Sadness


    Feel alot of pain coming from you. I hope that writing will help with those bad feelings. My heart aches for you. Keep writing young lady.



    it does help, and i will

    renegadeheart commented on Breech of Sadness


    i get the feeling that u have had alot of hurt in your life,weird for such a young person

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Yoda413’s Poems (22)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Lost One 0
    First love 0
    My Bleeding Soul 0
    Sorry 0
    What Happened 2
    Summer 0
    Why? 2
    Why? 1
    Us 0
    Cheated 0
    Found Him 0
    I Told You 0
    Alone 0
    Already There 1
    Broken Heart 1
    Cry -1
    Breech of Sadness 2
    Broken Roads 0
    Friends 0
    Alive 0
    The Day 1
    My Love 0