war what is it good for


war what is it good for

the rumors of war
the rumors of war and of hell
but if we choose another way and say
lets not war today
instead lets be humble and find the Utopian day could be the 8th day who knows?
i just believe it write not to store up old strife
but let it go and let time heal
heaven knows what we feel
ask no revenge but love
for only that thought comes from above
for you don't know but yet you do
to walk among those who hurt
but now its over and done
even in loosing you have won
because all of us must seek the son
in one way or another we see
but paths we walk no matter how different
someday we will all see a possibility
loves children and be one
forever to walk and know
just where we were and where we go
just where that is as yet i don't know
Billie Harris Aug 20th 05

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Charlie23 commented on war what is it good for


This is a a great poem. Made me stop and think a bit at, "even in loosing you have won" Thank you for that thought! Very well written!

Sophialaurenea commented on war what is it good for


EAT SMOKE ALCOHOL DRUGS: I CHOOSE TO WRITE by Sophialaurenea Y. Destine MATTHEW SHEPARD I don't personally know you, but I know you're God's creation; this is absolutely true. Homosexuality is difficult for most people to chew. Those people should get a clue. We all sin, too! It's commendable how you fought for rights that are gays' and lesbians' due. I'm heterosexual; I know you would accept me. Matthew, you wouldn't kill and hang me from a tree. If only they knew your true essence and could see, but they were too judgmental to let you be. The Creator mixed all of us in the same glue. It fracture my heart to lose a positive human be like you. Matthew, I wish the hatred would cease because it is making me so blue; but most importantly I wish we were friends. I would be loyal and true. I am sadden that www.iUniverse.com did so poorly on my book. I would really welcome THE READERS to read "EAT SMOKE ALCOHOL DRUGS: I CHOOSE TO WRITE. I am going through a legal dilemma of harrassment and life threatening situation from Mrs. Catherine Alvarez. I feel I most apologize to my neighbors and staff for being spiritual gifted. Mrs. Alvarez got everyone prejudging that I am insane, liar, etc, etc. She is bullying me because I refuse to speak to her. Catherine Alvarez told my most painful secrets. She got the rest of my neighbors to haze me so terribly. They called me "loser, Snitch, _itch, and so on. I followed the advice of staff and ignore her. I have nothing towards gays, transgenders, bisexuals. It's thier body. I am heterosexual. I am not attractive sexually to Mrs. Catherine Alvarez. I feel strongly she shouldn't force her feelings on me. She has ridicule me, slander my name and reputation. My mattress was slashed and I am in fear for my life. Why can't my neighbors see this situation is esculating? The manager blocked the restrainning order that was suppose to be serve to MS. Alvarez. Reads, I leave it in God's hand. I will remain positive.



the only way a war can he fought is if the two sides , go at it or one walk away .



the only way a war can he fought is if the two sides , go at it or one walk away .

Daniela commented on war what is it good for


Beautiful poem! God Bless!

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

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