memory of an Apache


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    memory of an Apache

    memory of an Apache

    war cry i hear a sound
    a memory i have found
    of nations long a go
    fighting to and fro
    chateau a man i see
    sleek black hair long and straight
    this man did all they seek
    on the run
    from a union gun
    off he rides to the boarder
    followed by the clickitie clack of union soldiers
    he meets up with his brothers
    it was Geronimo and not other
    scouts do track till day is done
    peaches knows no one has won
    this story has an end
    but what it is you will have to find
    look it up in history books
    of the life of Chatoes son they took
    i love ancestors in all races
    for in us we bare there faces
    what now with old wars over
    can we find the place of peace
    in wars the strong wins
    but children fight again
    happy to know an American i am
    to fix the hurts of old
    is impossible i am told
    one way or another i do seek
    all America can sleep
    knowing tomorrow comes
    maybe with the rising of the sun
    maybe today who can say
    that a generation found a better way. April 5th 2006

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    countrypoet commented on memory of an Apache


    Nice poem.I feel that we can learn from the mistakes that were made through history and try not to repeat them.

    JEAGLEFEATHER commented on memory of an Apache


    commands us to do. And so my dear, continue to release from within what it is you are inspired with. Hone your talent. Learn meter and rhyme. Get better through excercise. Read as many other poets as you can. Grow and expand your art. Justin



    Appreciate the comment feel i am a lazy poet but your advice is good think i will take it thanks

    JEAGLEFEATHER commented on memory of an Apache


    I enjoy reading your poetry. All poets are "crazy" because we hear the voices of generations past & compelled to speak the wisdom of our fathers and our mothers, we swpeak out through our pens and whether read or passed by, we have done what our soul

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    bjroach55’s Poems (15)

    Title Comments
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