Walking on Corridors.


  • Life.

    Walking on Corridors.

    I wander on Colossal Corridors.
    With the Cocksurity of a magic act
    Wand in hand, waiting for prompts
    Defacto point that will lunge my quest
    Into destinations that had become ends

     I seek greater possibilities to usher me
    unto the path  that exits, but relentlessly, 
     evade my discovery.
    Every step of the way is lit with the defined clarity-
      of conflicting voices in my clutterd thoughts
    That has readily aligned itself with my dawdling will

    Of years past, the saddening twists in a woeful story
    Of an ever longing search for that chosen hand
    That could unravel my prize.

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    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    slayer’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Rebirth. 2
    Co-Riders 0
    Jumping Heart. 1
    Full moon over the pond. 0
    Walking on Corridors. 0
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