

  • Religion


    If time could change
    So that yesterday were today
    And the years gone by are reversed
    Rendering my deeds tabula- rasa
    My mind may have been infused
    With the hindsight of this knoweldge
    Would I have seen the world
    As from a mirror darkly
    And would I have walked with calmness
    The finer lines of my thoughts
    Committing Weightier burdens
    To the one Mightier than I

    I would have enlisted
    In the army of  perseverance
    And hastened less in craving my indulgences
    Maybe I would have tapped
    Into the peace
    Which now evades my understanding.

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    koolmom0 commented on Rebirth.


    this is beautiful slayer, I look forward to reading more of your work. Koolmom

    1990lh commented on Rebirth.


    hhaha i think we all have wish these wishes at some point very nice poem.

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    slayer’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Rebirth. 2
    Co-Riders 0
    Jumping Heart. 1
    Full moon over the pond. 0
    Walking on Corridors. 0
    Images of Childhood 0