

  • Angst


    Drawn, long faces
    Looks betraying inner turmoil
    Grimaces that putrify the freshness of a newday
    Heavily burdened trudge on broken escalators
    Blood short eyes, heads nodding
    To the duress of interrupted sleep
    Truths that belie the concealed disdain
    For morning rousals to catch  the train ride on a saturday

    It is comforting to be unnoticed
    Wrapped in the commonality of this moment
    Amidst shared feelings and a collective qualm
    Fleeting time, unowned wishes for the reversal of our fates

    Hasty decisions are made not to hasten to our destinations.

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    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    slayer’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Rebirth. 2
    Co-Riders 0
    Jumping Heart. 1
    Full moon over the pond. 0
    Walking on Corridors. 0
    Images of Childhood 0