Utopia Lost


Utopia Lost

For those of you who choose not to explore the depth of your ever-questioning psyche please refrain from reading the following passage. Doing so may cause severe confusion, dyslexia, anxiety, vomiting, fatigue, insomnia, vertigo, and erectile dysfunction. What do we consider plausible anymore? I have recently read a line posted by a good friend of mine who stated in some manner or another that "Utopia is plausible." This is stating—in their opinion, of course—that a satirical ideal has the possibility to come to fruition. This makes me cringe at the thought that someone wants perfection in life. Since you've made it this far in my passage I want you to now take the time to stop reading the text on the screen before you and use your introspective spectacles. Granted; some of you have more dust than others on those tools of inspection. But really think about what life is to you and what makes up your motivation. For some it's over-coming some obstacle or proving someone wrong. Whatever the case is, it's simply a matter of cause and effect. Without those negative causes we are not affected and life would become like a terrible episode of… Well there would be no metaphor to compare life to because even Barney had antagonizing plot lines to make it interesting. Something got dirty; they'd sing a song and clean that area up. In a Utopia-like society there would be no messes to sing about. So now that we've engaged in that simple ideal let’s move onto enlightenment. Some people go through life and choose to take the small stuff for granted (of course this is the matter of adult decision-making abilities and I'm not condoning against it.). But next time you look outside, ignore the sweltering heat, the thought of your boyfriend/girlfriend not calling you, getting interrogated by your parents, having to go to work, your friends talking about your character, or even how you look. Everyone must think these thoughts, its human nature—it's what separates us from primates. But instead of hovering on some of the trivial ideas that our collective-unconscious thinks about as an entire society deviate from the norm; Spend time speculating whether the cloud in the sky is either a hyena or a hippopotamus, or even a butterflies last flight as it celebrates it's one and only day it has to bask in the glory of our sun's rays in a show of beauty and serenity. Whatever routes you choose to take on your journey of enlightenment choose one that suits you as an individual. Don't follow a commercial trend or a best friend’s advice. Take time to discover yourself and sculpt your own personal facade for all to see. Show no mercy to those who think they can influence you and impact your day. Impact theirs by not grazing in the heavily trodden path that so many had journeyed before and will after you.

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Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

greend3051’s Poems (11)

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