Saline Baptism


  • Nature

    Saline Baptism

    Salivating salinity as if the holy water of the waves were dubbing me as divinity. Lightly, I stroke my hands through the warm sea but quickly react as I see the swell progressing towards me. Eventually, it happens, the swell evolves and becomes something better. Something more sculpted and filled with character. A sleek vehicle, which i will ride. Comfortably whisking my hands through the walls loosely. I live for this 60 second freedom and all else ceases except for the salt water memory when I connect with mother nature's seas

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    ClearlySays commented on Saline Baptism


    beautiful poem always wanted to surf makes me really wanna do it

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    greend3051’s Poems (11)

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