  • Love


    We killing each other with words
    Destroying each other with coldness
    Arrived from two different worlds
    With such irresistible boldness
    We burning all bridges in heat
    Say phrases we heard on occasion
    And only our hearts gently plead
    In silent and sad conversation

    We blindly shut down all doors
    Installing all gates with the caution
    Ignoring the pain from our soles
    In one swift and desperate motion
    Let’s quietly sit for awhile
    Let’s not say the words for a bit
    And maybe I’ll catch gentle smile
    Your eyes and lips will emit

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    litldeer commented on US


    Another masterpiece. I love the way you ryme - great job

    litldeer commented on US


    This was a ten all the way. Excellent flow. I really like this one. Keep writing and I will keep reading. Thanks for the friend request too.

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

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