US of A


  • Truth

    US of A


    That Orwellian haze

    Be a good citizen, honor thy State

    Follow the red line

    Bare your cross, mine too

    You must understand

    It's your lot in life

    Civilizations are built on your back

    To bad you can't take part

    Greed beautiful Greed

    Too much is never enough

    Seth, Cheney, Machiavelli, Rowe

    Sophistry turns freedom into slavery

    Our new profits, the polls

    Network whores

    Murdock Murdock Murdock

    Fox the devils pet

    New Kings, CEO's

    Puppet government

    A new cast system

    An America nightmare

    The new American Dream

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    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    davedinning’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Moijo 1
    Derry 0
    Act 1 3
    The real magic dragon 0
    A rainy day 0
    Man 0
    US of A 0
    Gods wine 3
    The soul of a poet 2
    54 or what happened to us 3