  • Philosophy



    All knowledge is in the air

    The thoughts of great men are not their own

    An awaking moment in time

    The question was asked and asked again

    Till the Gods grew weary

    A door was opened

    And breaking through the abyss

    A new thought a new consciousness

    Science our new deity

    An honest deity


    We worship the man

    And forget the source

    God or Nature they are one

    Man alone

    Craves to be God

    So he denies the force

    Man made God

    Now man is God

    And now who is God of Gods

    Man of men

    Allegiances formed

    Religion upon Religion

    Wars will be fought

    Villages, Countries, Nations

    Empires too

    We can't handle consciousness

    Run-a-way knowledge

    Wisdom far behind

    Run-a-way emotions raw and pure

    Dualism pulls the strings

    Too many doors

    Freedom becomes you're free to do as I tell you

    I will protect you from fear

    I am the God of Gods

    The Man among men

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    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    davedinning’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Moijo 1
    Derry 0
    Act 1 3
    The real magic dragon 0
    A rainy day 0
    Man 0
    US of A 0
    Gods wine 3
    The soul of a poet 2
    54 or what happened to us 3