Act 1


  • Art

    Act 1

    Thespians the players
    Paris’s lust brings down the walls
    Priam’s tears Ophelia knows
    Othello’s rage Nero plays
    Dante inferno blazes away
    Windmills slain never to rise
    Milton, Emerson, Whitman poets all
    Chase Socrates away
    Tell the poets to stay
    The curtain draws the night begins
    Beauty, loneness, honor, hubris
    Loves sweet sweet nectar blooms
    A twist a turn a fall from grace
    Longing searching where has it gone
    Thespians the players
    Have seen it all
    Time and time again
    They play on

    Poem Comments


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    cousinsoren commented on Act 1


    COUSINSOREN'S Comment Editted. A bit on he cryptic side. Just how an effete audience would be thinking clasically, while it waits for the curtain to rise for the play to commence. Is this poem a parody .a satire with a deep sarcastic meaning, or just a scenic description of a waiting audience? The tone of this poem is vaguely suspenseful,and that contribuutes to a mystical ambience.which is created by appropriaete diction and classical and mythological references,such as Pan and Priam. My rating for versification and word -play is 9..

    cousinsoren commented on Act 1


    A bit on he cryptic side. Just how an effete audience would be thinking clasically, while it wairs for the curtain to rise for the paly to begin. Is this poem a parady .a satire with a deep sarcastic meaning or just a scene description of a waiting audience. The tone of this poem is vaguely suspenseful,and that contribuutes to a mystical ambience.which is created by appropriaete diction and classical and mythological references,such as Pan and Priam. My rating for versification and word -play is 9..

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    davedinning’s Poems (10)

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