Ultimate Quest


  • Emotional

    Ultimate Quest



    Ever since your creation, started exploration of some kind

    Grouped your kinsfolk, made fellows of your ownkind

    Dwelling and feeding, the basic needs of you

    You learn't to sing, you enjoyed the dew

    Quest continued on, thus you're the man


    Studied your co-creatures, plants, flowers and their petals,

    Dug the earth and discovered minerals and metals

    Found the ones useful for joy and medication

    Succeeded to develop a vivid and vast civilization

    Alas! You proceeded to create toys of devastation


    You measured the circumference of earth, depth of ocean

    Study of universe, the content of your passion

    Your persistence to touch the sky is admirable

    Yet you are to discover the treasure invisible

    That's nowhere but in the human heart


    I'd like reminding you of your mother's lullaby

    It soothes you from the distress of hatred

    Dear man forget not you're special in livingkind

    Wipe the boundaries around, reach the horizons of humanity

    Make paradise of earth, adopting universal brother-hood

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    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    devaduta’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
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