Trying To Enjoy The Ride


Trying To Enjoy The Ride

it hurts more to tell you i love you
then it does to say goodbye

i wanted to believe everything you told me
but i couldn't believe in lies

felt like i needed you
but i couldn't tell you why

you attacked my feelings and emotions
and left my heart to die

still i have this want for you
and its building up inside

and you know every part of me
so these feelings i cannot hide

it's hard to make any sense of this
and the Lord knows i've tried

i don't know where all this is taking me
i'm just trying to enjoy the ride

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Anne commented on Trying To Enjoy The Ride


WOW!!! Very nicely put. It was like reading something about yourself that you thought no one else knew.



thank you. you know...your is like that. :) again thank you for taking the time to read it. appreciate that. i shall also stop by your sure great words await me.

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

KeithAColeman’s Poems (7)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Amongst The Few (dedicated to SandyHook) 2
Gated Heart 1
Monster At Her Door 1
Have You Ever Seen A Pretty Girl Cry 1
Sky, Put On Your Suit Of Navy Blue 1
Trying To Enjoy The Ride 1
Sleeping Beauty 2