Gated Heart


  • Loss
  • ,
  • Love
  • ,
  • Pain
  • ,
  • Hurt

    Gated Heart

    gated heart in the middle of nowhere
    who are you protected from??
    you're here alone
    miles away from any home
    and hidden from even the sun

    darkness covers you like colour
    over the naked body of a flower
    even silence doesn't see you
    until it stumbles upon you

    the eyes of the sky could not find you
    no matter how hard it tries
    and your camouflaged in a disguise
    which hides you from any human alive

    gated heart in the middle of nowhere
    who are you protected from??
    you're here alone
    miles away from any home
    and hidden from even the sun

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    EccentricStains commented on Gated Heart

    12-20-2012 this was def a piece that speaks to my exposed know there are many many that read this and understand that hiding away is not always the best thing and its okay to open up those gate everyonce in awhile...thanks for sharing



    i so agree with that. you have to take the chance by opening the gates once in a while...never know when real love will be standing there.



    Not at all my motto has always been fall hard ans as often as you can.. sooner or later that right one will be there to catch you right before you hit the ground... again a pleasure to read thanks for sharing



    a pleasure to do so...thanks for reading.

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    KeithAColeman’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Amongst The Few (dedicated to SandyHook) 2
    Gated Heart 1
    Monster At Her Door 1
    Have You Ever Seen A Pretty Girl Cry 1
    Sky, Put On Your Suit Of Navy Blue 1
    Trying To Enjoy The Ride 1
    Sleeping Beauty 2