To the one I loved


  • Emotional
    • DarkAngle
    • Hurt and lost why do all guys have to be the same???? Fuck I hate this!!!

    To the one I loved

    I have cried over you once and I will cry over you twice. You said you would never hurt me but you have toyed with my emotions long enough and can you see the pieces you have left my life in. I gave out for you and maybe you are like everyone else. Maybe you just wanted to use me because you could not get anyone else. I trusted you but do you see the mess and the confusion you left me in. Can you see the tears of pain that I try to keep locked away every time I see you. I wish that you would be willing to help me go through this. I almost had my fairy tale but maybe I am just not cut out for a happy ever after.

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    Razor commented on To the one I loved


    and whom is this poem implying to? and i know exactly who i want. she may only be 16 but i dont care you treated me like a real person and u gave me a purpouse in life and i didnt see that till it was to late. im wrighting anothe poem will you lok at it for me please

    Amberbabb commented on To the one I loved


    wow girl thats exactly how i feel about cody!!! ;( i really wish i could be with him but hes in jail for admitting to what i told u about... please fuckn call me girl i need to talk to you

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    DarkAngle’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    not sure yet 0
    not sure yet 0
    cameron 1
    CCT 0
    To the one I loved 2
    cut 2
    untitled 2
    dweller of darkness 0
    Slit Vien 1
    Slit!! 4