Slit Vien


  • DarkAngle
  • Hurt and lost why do all guys have to be the same???? Fuck I hate this!!!

Slit Vien

With my slit vein I write my name. That dark blue vein once in my wrist dripping out the blood it held. Seeing it now makes me wonder how. How was it possible. I see it dangle from my arm I pull it tight making it hangout more. The intreging little bit of life, I hold my own all through the night. With my slit vein I write your name for you are the one who hurt me.

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FranzJ commented on Slit Vien


self mulation over a broken love affair - a dark painful oem - good

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

DarkAngle’s Poems (10)

Title Comments
Title Comments
not sure yet 0
not sure yet 0
cameron 1
To the one I loved 2
cut 2
untitled 2
dweller of darkness 0
Slit Vien 1
Slit!! 4