Thou and the seasons


  • Devotion
  • ,
  • Love

    Thou and the seasons

    Is not summer near thy lovers heat a fool?
    A simple jester that does clame it has thy spot.
    And has not winters freeze but half thy shadows cool?
    Boasting with a wealth in turth it hasn't got!
    And what of fall near that nostalgic tale of yours?
    So shameful acting out your harvest act it stole!
    As spring believes its green new budding love explores,
    while all life new is born through thy all knowing soul!
    Its from thy fire that the sun more sweet a summer makes,
    its from thy cool the winter here on earth the water thicks,
    and from thy cosiness does fall its best of story takes,
    and from thy love has spring its fresh and new born pallet fixed!
    Oh, of such a noble heart thine frame and title be,
    a blessing that does steer the seasons gently!

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    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    Sammylin’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The sick fairy 3
    How fair thy name 0
    Thou and the seasons 0
    Thy treasure 1
    Cupid and thine heart 1
    Her feet 1
    Letters in thy name 0
    The ending Rose 7
    Ever guiding love 3
    In Goddess keep 3