Cupid and thine heart


  • Love
  • ,
  • Romance

    Cupid and thine heart

    When Cupid aims his arrows at thine heart,
    then they like eager pilgrims cross the air!
    For by thy self their mission true can start,
    by finding all the best of loving there!

    When after they thine heaven do depart,
    they fly to seek all other lovers out!
    And thus, so by thy graces, every dart,
    shall enter where was once a lovers doubt!

    To fill those empty spaces with such love,
    a feeling sweet that thrills them sweet to sing!
    And shows them as shall they be spoken of:
    "A fool!" to which this love such curse did bring!

    An illness most beloved and most wanted!
    A touch that seems all sorrow soft to kill!
    Oh blessed frames that by thy love be haunted,
    one prays thine love its soul thus visit will!

    And so go lovers prayers night and morrow:
    "Oh Angels let these virtues grow of mine!"
    While thou dost give thy self and not to borrow,
    for true does give thy bliss a Valentine...

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    dragonfly1023 commented on Cupid and thine heart


    It amazes me that English is your second language yet you can write in an "early" English style so fluently. you must be channeling someone there Sammylin. great stuff :D



    Hi Dragonfly, Well, you know already a big bit of my history i gues... chukle, we've listened to the BBC alot while growing up and also all English spoken films were always shown in their original tongue, so thats how we learned our English at a very early age. And as stated in my bio: my toother in these fields is the great bard William Shakespeare! The way he expresed him self has made a huge inpact on my life as a poetic humanbeing... Thank you so much for the heartwarming comment and for the more then pleasing raiting!! Greetings: Sammylin.

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    Sammylin’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The sick fairy 3
    How fair thy name 0
    Thou and the seasons 0
    Thy treasure 1
    Cupid and thine heart 1
    Her feet 1
    Letters in thy name 0
    The ending Rose 7
    Ever guiding love 3
    In Goddess keep 3