


You may think I'm disturbed
Or you may think I'm colorful
But we are who we are
I can't help the way I am
And you can't help the way you think I am
We all have our opinions
And yes everyone is entitled to their own
I know I'm not perfect
But no one is, not even God
Are we all equal?
Or does everyone just pretend we are
Is it better to think with your head
Or to think with your heart?
Does True Love exist
Or is it a fantasy?
Is there one person meant for you?
Do you believe there is?
I do, but that is me not you
Is it good to believe?
Questions, so many questions
But who has the answers
Do you?
I know I sure don't
Does God?
They say you are not to question God
But they also say it is good to ask
That you learn from it
Who do we listen to?
What do we listen to?
Who do we believe?
What do we believe?
Should we or should we not?
The everyday question
What to do?
Well that is up to you

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Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

TamaraLynn’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
Title Comments
When 0
Our Love 2
I Miss 0
Is It? 1
Think 0
Take It Day By Day 1
A Million 1
Help Me See 1
How I Feel 0
Be mine 0
I Think 0